In continuing coverage, NBC News (3/20, Aleccia) reports in its “Vitals” blog that a “sharp-eyed nurse at Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut is being credited with raising a warning last week about floating mold in vital intravenous drugs, prompting a mass recall – and possibly averting serious infections in patients in at least four states.” The nurse “spotted the debris in a bag of magnesium sulfate IV solution” during a “routine safety check,” and the “hospital quickly quarantined about 40 different types of drugs produced by Med Prep Consulting Inc.,” a compounding pharmacy based in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. In addition to the magnesium sulfate solution, Med Prep “also makes a wide variety of sterile drugs, including antibiotics, anesthetics, cardiac, labor and delivery and pain management medications, according to the FDA.” Notably, MedPrep “received FDA warnings about its sterility practices in 2001 and 2010, agency records showed.”