Our office currently serves a liason counsel to the NJ State Court as well as on the Steering committee for the Federal cases concerning injuries women have sustained from Trans Vaginal Mesh Products. Yesterday we received a copy of the following letter to the court from Counsel for J&J.
The Honorable Carol E. Higbee, P.J.Cv.
New Jersey Superior Court
Atlantic County Courts Building
1201 Bacharach Boulevard
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
RE: In Re Pelvic Mesh/Gynecare Litigation – CT 291
Discontinuation of product sales
Dear Judge Higbee:
The purpose of this letter is to notify the Court that Ethicon has advised FDA that it will stop commercializing the GYNECARE TVT SECUR™ system, GYNECARE PROSIMA™ Pelvic Floor Repair System, GYNECARE PROLIFT™ Pelvic Floor Repair System, and GYNECARE PROFIT+M™ Pelvic Floor Repair System in the United States.
Ethicon has no present intention to commercialize these products in the future, but it has requested that FDA allow it 120 days to cease commercialization. This time period would permit Ethicon to notify its customers, and provide those hospitals and surgeons with sufficient time to select alternative treatment options for their patients. Ethicon will also discontinue or revise, as appropriate, all marketing materials during this time. Ethicon will continue to report adverse events and provide medical communications for these products, consistent with applicable regulations; however, Ethicon has requested that FDA’s Office of Surveillance and Biometrics place the existing 522 orders requiring additional studies for these products on hold. Ethicon is awaiting written confirmation of that plan.
Ethicon also plans to update the product labeling for GYNECARE GYNEMESH®PS, including the Indication for Use, to restrict the indication for use to the abdominal sacrocolpopexy procedure for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapsed. In order to allow customers continued access to this product for patient treatment, Ethicon has requested that it be allowed to continue the sale of GYNECARE GYNEMESH®PS using the current Instructions for Use until FDA responds to this proposed plan.
Although FDA has not yet responded to these proposals, we thought it appropriate to advise the Court and counsel of these decisions. In light of the litigation pending before this Court and the MDL, we anticipate that there may be publicity about these decisions. By copy of this letter, we are simultaneously advising Plaintiffs’ Liaison Counsel of these decis8ions.
As always, we very much appreciate your time and consideration in this litigation. We will be happy to answer any questions or furnish any additional information that you may require, and we will be prepared to discuss these issues at the next conference.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly S. Crawford
CC: Adam M. Slater
Jeffrey S. Grand
Jillian A.S. Roman
The following is from the FDA
Alerts and Notices (Medical Devices) > FDA Safety Communication: UPDATE on Serious Complications Associated with Transvaginal Placement of Surgical Mesh for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
FDA Safety Communication: UPDATE on Serious Complications Associated with Transvaginal Placement of Surgical Mesh for Pelvic Organ Prolapse